Pavaso’s Digital Close technology allows homeowners to…

  • Receive, view and acknowledge documents online. Securely receive all loan and title documents, and access them on any device, at any time.
  • Get real time action notifications. Easily communicate and get status updates as documents are uploaded and as each party prepares for closing.
  • Understand every document. Educational videos and links within your documents allow you to learn about and understand the documents prior to your signing.
  • eSign and eNotarize all of your documents. Easily sign multiple documents at once with a simple signature, and your notary can verify and stamp the document digitally.
  • Complete the entire closing process digitally. Your closing agent can utilize Pavaso’s Signing Table app on a tablet or use Digital Close’s Web Closing feature to complete the process fully online.
  • Close on your home quicker. With Pavaso, closings that previously lasted 60+ minutes can now be done in 15 minutes or less.
  • Automatically receive and store final documents. Gain instant access to final completed documents online any time, available right after the closing.
  • Stay engaged post-closing. Various Pavaso apps offer solutions and value for you after your closing and throughout your homeownership.
  • Have easy access to your business connections. Stay connected with your real estate agent, lender or closing agent if you ever choose to sell your home or refinance.